Compassion Cultivation Training

Compassion training is a solution that transforms lives.

Compassion isn’t heroic. It’s human and rooted in science.

CCT was developed in 2009 at Stanford University by Thupten Jinpa, Ph.D., its principal author, with contributions from Compassion Institute's founding faculty.

Tuesdays, 5:00 to 7:00 pm Pacific via Zoom

October 15th to December 3rd

Class Format 

Online Class: You will participate in eight two-hour classes that include lectures, discussions, interactive exercises, and guided meditation. 

Informal Practice: You'll receive real-world assignments that help you practice and embody compassionate actions and thoughts.

Daily Meditation: Each week, you'll receive a guided meditation related to the theme of that week's class. Practice these meditations daily to deepen your practice. 

Benefits Include 

Support for your health, happiness, and well-­­being

 Reduction of stress, depression, and anxiety

 Improvements in relating to others and the world

Eight-Week Compassion Journey 

Week 1: Settling and Focusing the Mind

Week 2: Loving Kindness and Compassion for a Loved One

Week 3: Compassion for Yourself

Week 4: Loving Kindness for Yourself

Week 5: Embracing Shared Common Humanity and Developing Appreciation for Others

Week 6: Cultivating Compassion for Others

Week 7: Active Compassion Practice

Week 8: Integrated Daily Compassion Cultivation Practice

Compassion Cultivation Training Research Opportunity

As part of this class, you have the additional opportunity to participate in an independent research study. 

Dr. Clifford Saron and his colleagues at the Center for Mind and Brain at the University of California, Davis, are conducting the study. They are investigating the effects of compassion-based training on reactions to social and emotional scenes and situations and on interpersonal experiences in daily life. 

If you choose to participate, you will be asked to complete 3 assessments and will be compensated up to $230 for your time. The 3 assessments would be completed from your own home and would take place the week before your course begins, the week after your course ends, and 8 weeks after your course ends. 

Participation in this research is entirely optional and is not part of the training you will receive in your class. If you are interested in learning more about the study, please follow this link to see if you are eligible to participate. 

IMPORTANT: To participate in this research study, you must fully enroll in your class at least four days before the official class start date.

Thank you for your interest and consideration!

"With people like you, who are willing to share their knowledge, I have hope that the whole world can become a more compassionate, peaceful, and loving place." 

Bonny McM.
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